What Hokto Kinoko does Best

The Hokto Kinoko Company's mission is to share our long heritage and reveal a tasty way to good health in our easy-to-prepare, unique and fresh mushrooms. We all want to be healthy and enjoy a long life. The Hokto Kinoko Company is committed to research, development, and production of mushrooms as a superior health food. Hokto strives to maintain and improve our own production practice with maintenance and safety protocols, to values in our lives rather than mushroom itself.


100% USDA Organic

What’s unique about the Hokto Kinoko Company’s mushroom cultivation process is that it's soil and manure free and is done indoors in hygienic and environmentally controlled growing rooms.

Although pesticides are allowed in organic farming, in some case, Hokto mushrooms are agrichemicals and pesticides free.
Hokto Kinoko are free of chemicals and additives!

Our Organic Process


Food Safety

Hokto's mushrooms are grown, harvested, packaged, and shipped under the strict control of our Quality Assurance and Food Safety Program. With complete control over the culture technology and production management, Hokto's mushrooms deliver unparalleled consistency, and most importantly, food safety.

Food Safety

Food Safety

Explore our Factory

Hokto makes rigourous effort to keep the facilities in best condition, to keep producing high quality mushrooms.


Training Systems

Training Systems

Hokto has implemented the Alchemy Training System to improve awareness and knowledge on food safety in employees.

Training Systems



What makes Hokto Kinoko different from other brands?


Japan Technology

Japan Technology

Hokto's many innovations are products of its Mushroom General Research Institute, which is dedicated to industry-leading cultivation techniques.

Japan Technology


Green Mission

Hokto Kinoko Company makes business decisions based upon environmental and ecological considerations, which support the philosophy of sustainable farming, for the health and wellbeing of the community and the global environment.

Green Mission

Green Mission

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